Bahia Palace

El Badi palace of the Saadian dynasty
January 20, 2019
January 20, 2019

The word “Bahia” literally means the brilliant or the magnificent. There is a belief that the name is possibly referring to the Wife of Ba Ahmed – a Grand vizier and the palace promoter. The palace was designed by Marrakchi Si Mohammed El-Mekki El-Mesfioui – an excellent architect, true labyrinth, and a strong man. Builders from Morocco and Andalusia constructed the palace. Every ceramic used was imported from Tetouan, marbles were from Meknes in Morocco, and the painted cedar wood applied for ceiling were brought from the Middle Atlas.

Beneficial details:

Opening hours: 0900 to 16h30 on a daily basis

Location: Rue RiadZitoune El-Jadid, beside Tinsmiths Square.

Contact: +212 5 24 38 91 79

Email address:

Cost: 3hs for children below 12 years of age, and 10dhs for the adult.

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